Septrin causes liver and kidney problem when usage is abused

Septrin or co- trimoxazole is an antibacterial formulation and so is used to treat bacterial infections caused by susceptible organisms.
Such infections include urinary tract infections, respiratory tract infections like infected bronchitis, pneumonia, infections in cystic fibrosis, otitis media and intra-abdominal infections such as typhoid fever.
However, it is not all bacteria that are susceptible to the drug. The right thing to do when you have any of such infections is to consult a clinician who will prescribe a microbial culture and sensitivity (MCS) test to ascertain what organism is responsible for the infection and to which antibiotic it is sensitive before prescribing such drug; though empirical treatment may commence while awaiting the test result.
Recently,septrin has been found to boost the immunity of HIV/AIDS patients, thereby improving their resistance to infections. The exact mechanism of this effect is not well known but the drug has become part of the routine therapy for such patients. Nevertheless, such use must be under the supervision of the attending clinician since the drug may interact with some antiretroviral agents.
Prolonged use of septrin can cause liver problems and kidney problems especially if not taken with enough water or in a dehydrated or renal impaired patient as the drug can crystallise and accumulate in the kidneys.
Other important adverse effects of septrin are hypersensitivity or allergic reactions which include rash, toxic epidermal necrosis, systematic lupus erythematosis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Although these reactions are rare, they usually have devastating effects when they occur.
  Septrin can also cause some form of blood disorders especially in patients with already existing blood cell problems, ( for example sickle cell patients and those with G6PD deficiency).

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