5 Natural ways to get rid of ringworm

Ringworm is very common in our society especially in Sub Saharan Africa. It is an infectious disease and it can cost a fortune when treating it with chemical.

I am going to show you five natural ingredients to cure to it. They are:
Ringworm is among the many diseases that garlic can cure. Get fresh garlic and prepare a paste by crushing or mincing them. Cover the affected area with a thin layer of garlic paste for one or two hours. When time is up, rinse with warm water to remove the garlic. For effective results, repeat the process three times a day for three weeks.

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera juice is known to treat all kinds of illnesses, including fungal infections. Apply it to the affected area daily until the infection disappears.

Lavender Oil
This has a powerful anti-fungal properties that can deal with any fungal disease. Use a cotton wool to apply it three times a day to the affected area, Do this for 3 weeks and the ringworm will disappear,

Apple Cidar Vinegar
. This can treat many skin diseases because of its anti-fungal properties. Before you apply it to the affected areas, test it on a fresh patch of skin to find out if it causes irritation.Apply it to the affected area twice daily for 2/3 weeks.

Colloidal Silver
This is a natural anti-biotic known to destroy a host of harmful micro-organisms. You can use it to eliminate ringworm from your skin by simply rubbing or spraying it to the affected areas. Repeat the process twice a day until the infection is gone completely. It exists either as a gel or liquid.

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