Leading causes of death in dogs

Research has shown that 70% of those who have dog(s) in their homes do not know the exact causes of death in dogs.
Swallowing of bones, eating remnants, car accidents, poisoning, tick infestation and parvo-viral infections are the leading causes of death in dogs. Knowing more about these conditions would help your dog to live a long, rewarding and fulfilling life.
Cooked or raw, bones can be very hazardous to your dog because if swallowed, they become lodged in its esophagus (or throat).
Inside the neck of a dog, the throat lies behind the trachea (wind pipe). So, if a bone lodges in the throat, it would put pressure on the wind pipe and reduce the amount of air that the pet can breathe in or out.
In some bad cases, the wind pipe becomes blocked, thereby preventing the dog from breathing. The pet may drop dead within a few minutes.
In some other cases, the bone is crushed by the pet and swallowed. The sharp edges of the swallowed bone can puncture the throat, stomach or intestines of the animal and result in its death.
Remnants are usually not stored under hygienic conditions and they may be contaminated with micro-organisms and foreign objects, such as tooth picks, bottle crown tops, serviette paper, stones and dirt.
If these substances are ingested (swallowed), they can cause severe damage to the stomach and intestines of your dog.
I have seen a dog vomit a tooth pick after eating the remnants of a meal. If the toothpick found its way into the dog’s stomach, your guess is as good as mine.
Car accidents
Car accidents are not very common causes of death among pets, but when they occur it usually results in instant death or permanent disability. Accidents usually occur in the garage or parking area.
Accidents can be avoided by looking beneath and around your car before moving it. Also you can ensure that your pet is in your sight or better still, locked in the kennel before you move the car.
Tick infestation
Ticks fasten themselves onto the skin of dogs and feed on their blood. Many ticks feeding on a pet at the same time can result in a significant loss of blood(Anemia).
Apart from anemia, ticks can transmit diseases like tick fever (Babesiosis) and tick paralysis. Some signs of these diseases include increased body temperature, loss of appetite, yellow or brown urine, weakness, anaemia, paralysis (in case of tick paralysis) and death.
Take prevention and control of ticks seriously and ensure that you do not crush ticks. If you crush ticks, they will increase in number.
The reason is simple. When you crush ticks, you will allow hundreds of eggs in their bodies to spill out. These eggs hatch after a few days and become adult ticks in a short while.
Ticks can be eliminated by using commercial sprays and safe chemical solutions. But I recommend that the procedure be carried out by a veterinarian or qualified professional who should also be careful not to eliminate the ticks and the dog.
A leading cause of poisoning is the use of tick control solutions, sprays and chemicals to bath for dogs. Even if you cover their mouths or prevent them from licking their body, these chemicals can still find their way into the body through the pores (tiny holes) on the skin.
Signs of poisoning include increased salivation, vomiting, body weakness, collapse, muscle spasms, convulsions.
Activated charcoal administered orally can be a good first aid. In the absence of charcoal, you can give milk or egg solution. Palm oil is also commonly used but I don’t usually recommend this because it induces vomiting. A weak pet may inhale the vomit and this can lead to suffocation and death.
Great caution should be taken before, during and after using these chemical substances because your pet’s skin is very sensitive. Also, please ensure that the spray or solution has been recommended by a veterinary doctor.
Furthermore, before you apply sprays or solutions, remove feeding bowls, drinking bowls, leftover food, beddings, treats and toys. Also, make sure that all pesticide residues are kept out of the reach of children and pets. Do not carelessly dump left over chemicals where it could contaminate soil or drinking water.
Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV2) is an extremely contagious virus that primarily afflicts dogs. It is contacted when unvaccinated dogs come in contact with infected dogs or persons/objects that have been contaminated with the faeces, saliva and other body secretions of infected dogs.
The specific sign of parvo virus is a foul smelling bloody diarrhea. Other signs include generalized weakness, loss of appetite, drooling, vomiting and a life-threatening dehydration.
Ninety-one percent of untreated cases will result in death and treatment may be successful if disease is quickly detected.
Vaccination can prevent parvo virus.         However, preventive measures should still be taken after vaccination because I have seen vaccinated dogs come down with the virus. I will discuss the reasons for vaccination failure some other time. So, I recommend that you avoid walking young dogs in public places until it all the required vaccinations have been administered.
In most cases, adult dogs above five years of age will not come down with the disease. But puppies and adolescent are most susceptible to the virus.
A solution of one part bleach to thirty parts water is a potent in-activator of the virus.


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