planning is the planning
of when to have children, and the use of birth control and other techniques to
implement such plans.
The best method for birth control is through natural method.This is better than taking contraceptives,insertion of ring in a woman's womb.
I have seen cases where women could no longer conceived when the needed child as a result of contacting infection.
So this how to go about it:
1. Get some roots of cashew tree .
2. Boil it and allow to cool.
3. Add one bottle of natural honey.
4. The women who happens to be the sex partner should take 1 cup of it per day after monthly period for one week before making love.
I give thanks to Dr onokun for helping me get a permanent cure to Uterine fibroid. I have used different western medication without any improvement, And I could not have a child of my own. I had heavy bleeding, frequent urination, a bulky stomach, and cramping. My bleeding is sometimes so heavy that I can’t go out. I go through 9-10 pads in a day. It is so uncomfortable. I have tried everything you can imagine because I’ve had my fibroid for 18 years but none of them have really worked. They just make you feel like you’re doing something but at the end of the day its not really much of a relief. People advertise all sorts of “Fibroid Cures”. I’ve tried all that you can imagine and they worked for a little while, but it’s not working out you have to keep on going. You cant really stop taking them. I got the contact of Doctor onokun from the testimony of people on the internet, and I contacted him through the Email and explained every thing to him. then he sent me his product which I used for 2 weeks. Now am completely cured so I really want to tell this to the world that there is a permanent cure to Fibroid. contact him on or whatsapp: +2349064844957 he can help on any health issues